Category: 6th Grade

6th Grade Smartboard Games – Math, Reading, ELA, Science, Social Studies Games for the Smartboard

  • Volume of a Rectangular Prism Game – Math

    Students can find the volume of rectangular prisms in this interactive Smartboard activity. Remember, volume is the amount of space in an object. You can calculate the volume of a rectangular prism by multiplying the length, width and height. Directions: Watch the interactive video on the Smartboard. After, find the volume by multiplying the length, […]

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  • Test Prep Multiple Choice Questions Activity – Reading ELA

    Students can read text stories and answer multiple choice questions in this Smartboard activity. Students need to be able to identify information in a text and answer questions. Students and teachers can also use for test prep – multiple choice questions. Directions: Select a grade appropriate story. After, read the text on the Smartboard and […]

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  • Algebra Expressions Game – Math

    Students can read and write expressions in this fun Smartboard game. Students can translate verbal expressions to algebraic expressions by looking at key words. The most challenging is “less than.” Remember that less than always takes away from a number! Directions: This Smartboard one and two step expression game can be played online alone or […]

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  • Compare and Contrast Game – Reading ELA

    Compare and contrast in this fun interactive Smartboard activity. To compare is to show how things are similar. The contrast shows how things are different. Authors always use key words and phrases to show comparisons and contrasts. Directions: Use the Smartboard to display the compare and contrast lesson. After, read the text and answer the […]

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  • Africa Smartboard Game – Social Studies

    Practice identifying the countries that make up the continent of Africa on the Smartboard.  The continent is separated by geographical regions to make learning easier—North Africa, South Africa, West Africa, or take the challenge of the whole continent in Physical. Use the Smartboard to select North Africa, West Africa, South Africa or Physical. After, drag […]

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