Category: Kindergarten

Kindergarten Smartboard Games – Math, Reading, ELA, Science, Social Studies Games for the Smartboard

  • Months of the Year Game – Reading ELA

    Use the Smartboard and this fun activity to help learn the 12 months of the year. Practice putting the 12 months of the year in the correct order. Directions: Click on and drag the months of the year into the correct order. Click on the audio symbol to hear the month. Once the months are […]

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  • Simple Sentences – Reading ELA

    Learn how to make simple sentences on the Smartboard. Making simple sentences is the begging steps in learning how to write. For a sentence to be complete it must always have a subject, verb and present a complete thought. Directions: Words will appear in bubbles and it is your job to place them in the […]

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  • Capital Letter Identification Game – Reading ELA

    Practice identifying capital letters with this Smartboard game. Identifying corresponding capital and lowercase letters is essential in learning the alphabet. Directions: Click the full screen button to expand. You will be given a sentence that will appear on a banner. The banner needs to be in all a capital letters. A letter will flash in […]

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  • Addition and Subtraction to 9 Game – Math

    Use the Smartboard along with your knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve math problems up to the answer of 9. Addition is the operation of putting quantities together for a sum and subtraction is the operation of taking a quantity away to find the difference. Directions: Select play to choose which operation to play […]

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  • Ordering Numbers 1-100 Game – Math

    Use the Smatboard along with this interactive math activity to practice placing numbers 1-100 in the correct order from smallest to largest. Ordering numbers is an important skill to master before beginning to compare numbers, it helps us identify which numbers  have a greater or lower place value than others. Directions: Click play to begin. […]

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